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Vitality Super Greens Medium (360g)

Our 100% Organic, Raw, Vegan, non-GMO, Plant Based, Bio-Available, Nutrient Dense, Staple Greens & Exotic Super Food Formula DeliversPhyto-Nutrients, Anti-Oxidants, Trace Minerals, Cellular Support, Immune, Brain & Blood Boosters, Detoxifying Agents, Nerve & Eye Tonics, Hormone Balancers, Enzymes & Pro-Biotics, Vitality & Longevity, is Pure & Non - Toxic


MODERN HEALTH COACH proudly introduces B-Rad & Joya's Super Food Formulas' "VITALITY SUPER GREENS."  This All 100% Organic, Raw, Vegan and non-GMO, 21st Century formula, contains superior ingredients from 21+ of the most super nutrient dense foods on the planet, carefully selected to provide you with a full nutritional spectrum


This Vitality Super Greens formula is fortified with diverse staple greens, and exotic super foods. This formula delivers bio-available, phyto-nutrients, anti-oxidants, co-factors, (bio) flavonoids, organic vitamins, organic minerals, trace minerals, probiotics and enzymes "all-in-one" "ready-to-go" "just-add-water" Vitality Super Greens powder. 


One 12 gram (g) serving of Vitality Super Greens macro-nutrients is: 42 calories, 2.8 grams (g) of protein, 4.7 g carbohydrates, 1.3 g fat, 1.8 fiber, and 2.7 g sugar.  But the true wealth to you is in the phyto-micro-nutrients from imbibing nutrient dense plants daily.  These top super foods and greens are known to help alkalize, detoxify, stimulate, balance and enliven all 75 trillion cells of your body, mind and spirit.  

Best of ALL this invigorating nutritious drink, tastes surprising cool, crisp, clean and has a very refreshing sweet taste.  Yes... contrary to the current wisdom "it can taste great, and be great for you!" See nutrition info below. 


Try drinking our Protein Rejuvenator (2 scoops) with our Vitality Super Greens (1 scoop) for a supreme daily nutritional breakfast program. Just add water and live alive, on-the-go, high vibe style. rock-it fuel kit. 


Save on our "better together" combos: Vitality Super Greens and Protein Rejuvenator Chocolate Malt  


1 Month Supply and 3 Month Supply.  

Servings per Container: 60

Serving Size: 12 Grams of premium powder mix (1 rounded scoop included)


Directions:  Mix 1 scoop (included) with 8 oz of water. Drink at least 30 minutes before or instead of breakfast and mid afternoon away from meals.


Ingredients: We are proud to say that our product line is 100% Organic, Raw, Vegan and non-GMO. 

Alfalfa Grass (Juice Powder)

Barley Grass (Juice Powder)

Wheat Grass
 (Juice Powder)




Carrot Root


Goji Berries

Hemp (shelled) 

Maca (gelatinized)




Camu Camu







Pro-Biotics: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Streptococcus facium, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Aspergillus Oryzae (fermentation),

Enzymes: Amylase,cellulose, Lipase, dried milk (for a bacterial carrier medium), dextrose (to feed rapid bacterial replication, with no significant contribution to blood sugar).


Enjoy our product!  MHC (B-Rad Mullner), Joya Mullner and others live on these alchemical powders, you should too... We love to combine the Vitality Super Greens and Protein Rejuvenator Chocolate Malt together in the morning to start out your day with the best things for you. Start with the best, and the rest is a lot easier.  

Close the loop and re-use these quality mylar bag and desiccant pack resources.  

We love feedback please contact us... We love feedback please contact us...

Vitality Super Greens Medium (360g)


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    These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or the American Medical Association. Our technologies, products, services and information is for informational, educational and/or scientific experimental purposes only, and is not intended to: 1- Diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease; and 2 - Replace or substitute the advice and/or services of a physician or other qualified health care professional. Any attempt to diagnose and treat illness should come under the direction and supervision of a qualified health care professional or physician. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, always consult your physician before using any product or service.

    The entire contents of is based upon the opinions of Modern Health Coach LLC, unless otherwise noted. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Modern Health Coach LLC and his community. Modern Health Coach LLC encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your own instincts, research and a partnership with a qualified health care professional. Be well, live long and prosper!

    MHC HQ in Arizona is 95% Solar Powered! 

    Copyright © 2019 The Modern Health Coach LLC.     

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